What Can you Claim
General Damages (Damages For Your Injury)
As a result of your accident you are entitled to make a claim for compensation for your injuries (pain, suffering and loss) known as General Damages.
Special Damages (Out of Pocket Expenses)
In addition, you are entitled to make a claim for any financial losses you have incurred i.e. loss of earnings, loss of pension, medical expenses or travelling expenses which are known as Special Damages or more commonly known as “out of pocket" expenses. These will typically include past financial losses but also future financial losses if the injury is causing ongoing losses or you require future medical treatment.
The value of the claim for your injury is difficult to assess at the outset as very often the full extent of your injury and continuing difficulties are not known. It is only possible to place a value upon your claim upon receipt of medical evidence in the form of a medical report.
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